We've survived six months of Covid. Here's... humor?
By Mark Hurst • September 10, 2020
I'm happy to announce a milestone for all of us: we've survived to the six-month mark of Covidtime. Huzzah! Since we're all staring at screens anyway, I figure it's appropriate to pop a few champagne pixels...
There. Happy six months. Fun, right?
Yes, it's time for another compilation of.. (humor? or something), as I've done thrice before during Covid:
• Fighting corona with humor (April 1)
• Take that, corona: more humor to get us through (May 1)
• Humor for a different Fourth (July 2)
Thoughts on 2020
I'd like to say a few things about 2020, since we've gotten to know the year pretty well by this point.
First up, a song.

Here's the word of the year.

Let's broaden that a bit: Motto of the year.

Speaking of Japan, even graphic design is getting hammered in 2020.

The election is in the news. Here's a campaign poster I liked.

(Speaking of meteors and the end of the world, I spoke with astrophysicist Dr. Katie Mack on my Aug 24 Techtonic episode. Her new book, The End of Everything, describes the end of the universe. Just don't give 2020 any ideas about vacuum decay.)
It's fascinating how people have changed throughout the year. Today I'm feeling June. You?

We're all eating at home, so I thought I'd share a recipe.

Signs of 2020
Here's some 2020 signage that's totally clear and user-focused. Recommended.

If getting "slapped into next year" sounds a bit harsh, here's a plan B.

Below, the reverse idea. Oh, early 2000s, don't ever change.

A little numerology to finish off our 2020 thoughts.

Corona comments
Now that we have fully covered 2020, let's check in with our least favorite virus. Starting with a productivity tip.

Next, can we agree that corona has... well.

It's easier to wear a mask... when it's delicious.

Short videos
Finally, some flickers of positivity. First up, Julia Ioffe points out: "2020 is a smiley face that's actually lava erupting from a volcano." Watch the video.
Next, well, see below. (Watch it, really. Sound up!)

And probably the best response I've found to 2020: just relax. Like this cow.

Final pointers
I'd recommend listening to any of my recent Techtonic shows:
• September 7, 2020: Cory Doctorow, author, "How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism." See playlist, listen to the entire show (you can jump to interview), or download the podcast.
• August 31, 2020: Ben Hunt, from Epsilon Theory, on corruption in finance and Big Tech. See playlist, listen to the entire show (you can jump to interview), or download the podcast.
• August 24, 2020: Katie Mack, author, "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)" - about the end of the universe. See playlist, listen to the entire show (you can jump to interview), or download the podcast.
• August 17, 2020: Elaine Kasket, author, "All the Ghosts in the Machine" - about the afterlife of our personal data. See playlist, listen to the entire show (you can jump to interview), or download the podcast.
• August 10, 2020: Joel Kotkin, author, "The Coming of Neo-Feudalism" - and one more Big Tech hearings clip, on Jeff Bezos's amnesia about Diapers.com. See playlist, listen to the entire show (you can jump to interview), or download the podcast.
• August 3, 2020: The Big Tech hearings - and Lisa Macpherson from Public Knowledge on how "the game is rigged." See playlist, listen to the entire show (you can jump to interview), or download the podcast.
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Until next time,
- Mark Hurst
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